almost a BEST OF

Hello You, my name is Ben Sabo. I created and I run Pineapple. Here you can see stories from all around the word. I feel like after 500 feature on the site, it’s time for a “best of”. Through the last 500 post on the site I have made many friends and I explored more great artist as I ever dreamed of. To avoid overdose, the favorite photographs and favorite artworks (artworks here) are presented separetly. Artworks will also be selected and publsihed in a new post soon. Here we go with the first round, over 50 of my favorite photographs, all by different talented, amazing person.

By now on Pineapple is over 500 feature online, let’s see a selection, what I loved the most. The selection is completely personal, sometimes mentioned with a private opinion. Everyone was loved who ever has been published on the site, but favorites are always and will be. Let’s see mines.

As always on Pineapple, just click on the links to see much more. One picture can not tell a full story, be courious and couriousity pays off!

Picture by Florian Tenk, who was among the very first I interviewed and I still love. Big favorite from Germany. See more here.

Although looks like an average room, it still creates a very strong atmosphere – Bound Leather Zine by Steven Harwick on Pineapple. See more here.
Star-eyed boy captured by Adri Cuerdo for PNPPL zine 05. Adri and I have the same taste of guys, that makes enough topic for us to chit-chat some days, and thats fun. See more here.
In love with double exposure pictures by Jey Tall a long time ago. See it here.
Simply beautiful + triangle eyebrows captured by Nimrod Avigal. See more here.
This handsome man captured by Raphael Pinheiro. Rapha is a very good online friend of mine. It is an outtake of his 3. series for Pineapple. See more here.
Nothing sexier than a nice armpit with hair or without – and this great series shoot by Callum Leo Hughes. Lick here to see more.
Although most of Joel’s pictures are perfect, I still shoose this. An interview coming soon, but until that time you can check Joel Alain Dervaux first feature on Pineapple by clicking here.
Before spinning, stop for a second. It is a very great picture by Jo Fetto. His book preview can be seen here.
I can’t decide which is the most sexiest part of this. Shoot by Vicente Echeverría Larrea. See the full story here.
Whenever I talk to Dmytro Komissarenko, I feel like the happiest man on earth, he is such a great friend. You can see his works here.
It’s a brave model and a photographer who knows what is great and not blinden of the avarage of anything. Thanks for this great shoot by Mitchell Allison, featured in PNPPl zine 05.
Who wouldn’t want to be that knife? Captured by the no less handsome Josh Paul Thomas. See more here.
All about the lines by Rick Castro. Interview + great pictures can be found here.
Great interior and a picture with a ‘leave me alone, but hug me’ impression captured by Kostas Vakidis. See it here.
All eyes on you Donatas Damarodas. You can see the full story if you click here.
Sexy AF by Daniel Albarn. See more by him here.
I was very happy when I had a chance to interview Mitch Cullin and this is one of my favorite picture from that feature. See more here.
This picture actually hanging on my wall, signed by the wonderful Enzo Tonati. See his first story on Pineapple here.
There seems to be a story behind this picture. Jacopo Paglione is the story teller, more here.
Simply Pineapple – captured by Yan Yufeng. Less fruits more boy can be seen here.
Dance and bubble butts, captured by Dryerotica. Click here to dance.
A favorite with Tjerre captured by Alex Avgud for PNPPL zine 05.
This series was a 3D kind story by Alejandría Cinque, pretty unique. Check it out here.
Also can be a story to tell behind this picture. Photographed by  Pedro Mantegazza. See more here.
As simple as it is perfect by Miguel Rózpide Pazó. Click here.
The cover picture by Elie Villette for the latest PNPPL print magazine. Preview here.
Depuis Ce Matin great to shoot any kind of topic, this one is one of my favorite. See the full post here.
One of my favorite portrait from PNPPL zine 05, captured by Leo Adef.
Loved this story by Charlie Rojas. See more here.
I find this perfect, very love the visibility of earring. Captured by Samuel Cimma. Find more here.

It doesn’t always have to be anything sharp. Picture by Brent Miller. Find the full post here.
Perfecition on more than one level. Captured by Francesco Visone. See more here.
For me, this the symphony of lines, by Lars Larkin. More can be seen here.
Captured by the farthest almost ‘close friend’ Hiram Di Lorenzo. See the full story here.
For some reason, it is funny for me. If there is sarcasm in photography then it is. Captured by Geroge Kanis. Read an interview with him and find more pictures here.
Thirsty and sexy, by Giltman B. Aleksandr. Much more can be seen here.
I love most of the Paul Peter’s picture, but this is one of my favorite. You can find more here.
The funny one – a loveable project by Andres Gudino. See more here.
Handsome boy captured by very lovely Florian Hetz. Much more by Florian can be seen here.
Kellen Houde is a fantastic photographer, but I have decided to put his selfie here. Click here to enjoy more.
Johnny, Johnny…. interview with the amazing bad boy, Johnny Abbate, can be read here.
Beauty + creativity – captured by Pasquale Autorino. See more here.
I like picture pairs, check out a selection like this by Boyz & Flowers here.
Fun and sexy by Simone Lini Trivulzio. More here.
Butt plug by Nicklas Hultman, who was one of the first who gave me trust and let his stories feature on Pineapple website. Story with blutt plug here. Older story here.
Sexy by Lisboeta Italiano, Published in PNPPL zine 03.
Diego Ene’s photography was a good discovery this Summer. See it here.
One of the best 2in1 – great photographer and great friend – Sam Scott Schiavo. More here.
Sexy AF, by the great Hervé Lassince. See the full post here.
Beauty captured by Eugenio A. Schulz published in PNPPL zine 05. More can be seen here.
Not easy to take sexy pictures, but it is what it is – captured by Chris Fucile. See more here.
It was an amazing project, by/with Password Yeltes. See more here.
Leo Maki knows how to take close up portraits. See more here.
Rare to find girl photogrpaher on the site, but Annika Weertz is one of it. Check out the full post + interview here.
One of my favorite picture by Arnoldas Kubilius from his book. See it here.
Not just a handsome model, but amazing pictures by Peter Sebastian Sander. Check it out here.
Least, but no last, two handsome gentleman captured by JJ Geiger. See more here.

Thanks to you all and to thanks also to those who were not mentioned. You still great, that’s why I decided to put your series on Pineapple!