JOEY LEO – SPYROS – PNPPL zine 6 extra

For those of you who get your heart racing because of a nice picture or a nice boy, I have good news! Two in one, and even more if you count the photographer, three in one. Welcome the second extra interview for PNPPL zine 6, this time with Joey Leo as the photographer and Spyros as the model.

What was the first impression of each other?

JL (Joey Leo): Easy going and fun for sure. I instantly got his playful vibe which was a good starting point to let my goofy character out. That on its own made the shooting a fun one.

S (Spyros): The first impression of Joey was pretty good. He is friendly and funny so it was instant I guess. Plus I knew what he wanted to see through his lens and he knew how to “handle”me. I think we’re on the same page.

What was the most difficult thing during the shooting?

JL: I think the most difficult part always comes down to this kind of shootings where someone needs to be completely naked in front of the camera. Trust and safe environment is my first most important things that I stand for. In work and life in general. So even if they are pretty confident I always get in their shoes in any ways , cause vulnerability is at its peak.

S: The most difficult thing was definitely the strobe light in front of me. I was literally melting and we was joking all the time about my artificial tan. And plus he wanted wet hair which forced me to wet it like every 3 minutes because the light was so strong.

What was the most funny thing during the shooting?

JL: I think the whole shooting had a funny essence from the start cause we are both goofy as mentioned earlier ! Having a power outage though minutes after we were done with the shooting was quite a laugh.

S: The most funny thing was that a couple of minutes after we finished the shoot the area got an electric blackout so as long as we were done lights went off. How cinematic is that?

Spyros available as a fine art print, Click here for details!

What do you do if you do not photograph / model?

JL: I keep myself busy with a lot of things ! I play the piano, I compose my own music, sketching and writing… also keep my creativity active and…daydreaming…a lot!

S: My main job is interior architect.

What makes you happy?

JL: Butterflies … literally and figuratively!

S: Getting chills from the sun while I’m sunbathing and feeling the salt on my skin.

What turns you on?

JL: Mind games, hands down!

S: Filthy eyes, promising lips and a well defined neck.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

JL: Romantic as fuck, goofy and smiley.

S: I would go for spontaneous, goofy and hungry. Always hungry.

>> click here and check out the full preview of PNPPL zine 6


Photographs by Joey Leo @joeyleo

Model: Spyros @spyrosgoudelis at @fashioncult_models

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