“A male body on film” – a new story from Middle Europe with Laszlo, lensed by Vitalii Kordiak.
“A male body on film” – a new story from Middle Europe with Laszlo, lensed by Vitalii Kordiak.
The top decoration on the Christmas tree this year is an interview with Joey Leo, whose series will be familiar from almost all fashion magazines/blogs. I also had the pleasure of featuring his works in […]
Wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with a super series by Eden Yerushalmy who was lucky enough to photograph Yohanan. Enjoy the result as much as I do!
Did you know that you can take good photos with a point and shoot camera? The following series will prove it, lensed by Donatas Damarodas.
Fruit for breakfast? Fruit for dessert? Or fruit if you’re just having a bite to eat? This time, fruit in the studio, Johann photographed Andy and Sparki snacking from a bowl. Bon appétit!
A very colourful presentation of a cute boy, Panterino. Photographed by Alex Domènech.
“I feel sensitive to light like film, and it documents my memories closer to the ideal, the transcendent, the ephemeral image.” – says Guy Nechmad Stern. Since the beginning of the summer there hasn’t been […]