‘The Taming’ with Ukrainian models Max and Misha, captured by Serge Bazilic. Style and MUA by Oleh Sotskyy.
‘The Taming’ with Ukrainian models Max and Misha, captured by Serge Bazilic. Style and MUA by Oleh Sotskyy.
“Layers” with Pedro, archived with analogue by Diego Ezía. “Layers” is a walk through the different parts of a physical space and also through a relationship space between a photographer and a photographed person.
“Arcturus, The Guard” – in the role of Arcturus: Joshua – archived by Matt Kulisch. Cover: Arcturus Baptizes the Solar System.
Shadows of Doubt II – archived by Yves De Brabander. Check it out Yves’s previous feature on Pineapple here.
Dog or a handsome boy – which would you prefer? – you can find both in a new series ‘Treats’ by Joey Leo, feat. Dimos.
“Les coudes sur la table”/”Elbows on the table” – captured in Mexico, by Elie Villette, feat: David & Edgar. Check out Elie’s previous stories on Pineapple here.
We’ve met Jacopo here on the blog before in an interview, and now he’s back with a series of photos of Federico, which I hope you all happy to see. Check out Jacopo’s interview for […]
‘Desiring Gazes and Desirable Bodies’ – a story shaped with art and photography, created by Bold & Young / Roman/Ramona. Check out Bold & Young’s previous feature on Pineapple here.
As in the previous week, this week also includes a book review. J has also been featured many times on the site and we have been able to follow their photographic diversity. This is summarised […]