Are you curious what else is in PNPPL zine Issue 9? Anibel @its_me_anibel! Here’s a little extra interview with him and with the photographer Jon Ariza De Miguel @jonchikdub. /check out the first extra interview here/

How did you find each other for the photo shoot? – Was there any preparation before shooting?
Jon: Anibel and I have already been working together for a few shoots, we know each other and have developed a healthy interaction, which turns out to be both professional and friendly; I always say that shoots need to be fun for the pics to turn out well, and I think we’ve managed that.
Anibel: Jon was the one who contacted me on instagram. With a project he thought I was a good fit for and since I was doing few photo shoot at that time, I easily said “yes!” Since then we’ve done more shoots together and created a friendly bond.

What was the first impression of each other?
We met a few years ago, and I got a very favourable first feeling of Anibel, I want to believe that he quickly saw through me and gained confidence to take the pics that otherwise he’d not have been willing to make…
Anibel: I did get a relax vibe, which made it easy to work with him. He keep it professional and fun, what makes you want to work with him again.

If there was – what was the most difficult thing during the shooting?
I think some poses were a bit too intricate for what most models are used to doing, and cramps are quite frequent during my shoots!
Anibel: Well… Jon has some crazy pose ideas, which tend to play with my flexibility. Is what we do to get those beautiful pictures.

Jon, what do you do when you are not photographing?
I am an engineer, doing office work. I work with documentation in front of a computer screen, so photography (together with other activities) are my safety valve to let off built-up steam…

Anibel, what do you do when you are not modelling?
I work as a sales advisor in tourist world. Next to that I spend time gaming, watching movies and series.

What makes you happy?
I gain happiness from fruitful interactions such as this photo shoot, where I feel that something of quality has been created out of nothing but two people in a room and a camera.
Anibel: Enjoying the simple things in life with the people I care the about. Spending time outdoors in nature and beaches.

What makes you horny?
Thankfully not photography! If I got horny from taking photos I would not be in this business…
Anibel: Being seduced by good conversation and laughs. Having a comfortable feeling of intimacy with a person. Some beautiful eyes, attractive smile and a good kisser doesn’t hurt either.

$28 + Shipping fee

150 pages for your enjoyment – Limited in 200 copies

Size: A5 – 15 x 21 cm (5.8 x 8.3 inches) – Fresh and juicy

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