Ballad of Sexual Desire – polaroids by Raul Bali.

The entire composition that forms around the project “Ballad of Sexual Desire” aims to reproduce the absurdity and ephemerality of melancholy. By capturing the dichotomy between burning desire and experiencing immediate emptiness. It stays under the sign of the allegory of senses and feelings, encompassing both positive and negative aspects of life. The emphasis falls on the tenderness of the dark romance, sexual connotations and phantasmagoric images, which later highlights an image of beauty. The triumph of aspects of beauty that come to be born in spite of sadness. Vulnerability is the key to success in maintaining a balance within the universe. Another are of the project draws its inspiration from within the LGBTQ+ community. A community that faces series of challenges, both external and internal, but which highlights the beauty through their courage and their evolution as a person. The contrast is the defining term, because through the juxtaposition of opposites, people come to perceive the true balance of the universe and manage to differentiate between extremes. The series of both negative and positive moments that their way into people’s lives end up transforming them, polishing their true form.

Photographs by Raul Bali @gazelleh_

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