Portrait photography, or portraiture, is a type of photography that aims to capture the personality of a person or group of people through effective lighting, backgrounds and poses. Here is an awesome portrait series with Imanol Fox, captured by David Cardona.

I remember being lost in that almost tearful gleam in his eye. I didn’t know how we got there, I can’t remember what the conversation was about. My only focus at that moment were those eyes, that despite the hardness of their deep color, they transmitted that strength that only eyes that speak from passion can transmit.

And I, who am not made of stone, decides to get lost and melt with his emotions.

Subtly, I alternate my gaze between his eyes and his lips. They move fast, passionately, almost syncronised with the fast pace of my heart.

I feel like I want to explode, I feel like I want to be in his mind. Now recreating the situation he tells me is not enough, I need to know how that conglomerate of neurons and electrical impulses is living through his words.

I feel my skin start to bristle, with an intensity that runs through me from head to toe. I just wish this would never end.

If I could retain the essence of this moment, like Jean-Baptiste Grenouille the fragrance of his beautiful victims, I would not hesitate to bite his skin off to feel the passion with which he lives his story.

I will always want to share everything with you, never doubt that. But you will allow this to be mine alone. I will never be able, nor will I want, to share this passion, which is mine alone and which only responds to that gleam in your eye.

And suddenly, absorbed and taciturn (allow me to be poetic) in your deep gaze, you throw a knife through me and kill me “again, you are not listening to me”. I wish I could answer you to that with everything that goes through my mind as I passionately desire you, but to do so would be to betray me and betray you. And if there’s one thing I want above seeing you in that state, it’s to take care of you and keep you from this insatiable hunger that builds me up. As long as you don’t run away from me, I will take care to keep you far enough away to love you.

Photographs & Art direction by David Cardona @dacefer

Model: Imanol Fox @_foxximaa_

Clothes: Gustavo Adolfo Tarí @gustavoadolfotari / Victor Von Schwarz @victorvonschwarz

Story: Xeii Möri @patriharcada

Ph. assist: Mikel Calo @mikelloggs

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