Alternative adventures in the word of awe and wonder – artist feature with Refael Salem. Cover picture: Arthur.
About Refael
In today’s reality, escapism has become the most common practice for people trying to maintain their sanity. Whether its binge watching a favorite show, cuddling with a good book, touring distant countries or perusing other thrills – we all need to sometimes checkout of our routine and substitute it for something better, even if just for a little while.
Although our imagination is at its peak during our childhood, as adults, most people lose the basic skill to magically transfer themselves to another reality, and it is my goal to serve as a guide and take them on such alternate adventures – filled with awe and wonder.
Coming from a rather strict upbringing in a conservative country with ongoing conflicts (Israel), I’ve developed my skill of escaping reality at a young age and refuse to abandon this practice to this day. In my art, I cast Mother Nature’s grand forests and seas as the setting, along with youthful characters who serve as co-actors to myself and the viewers who join me on this adventure. Demonstrating thoughtful innocence, free of burdens and worries, weaving deep relationships between location, characters and activities – inviting everyone to cast away their own inhibitions and join.

Artworks by Refael Salem @refaelsalem /

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