Damons, angels, neon lights and Disney birds – all this on the paintings of Jai Tanninen. A mixture of everything that comes together as one.
“I’m a Canadian artist interested in exploring the complexities of identity. My work usually focuses on the figure as our primary means of expression and experience. I’m interested in the contrasts and harmonies between our internal selves which is unknowable to others, and our outward expression of that self that forms our personalities.The dualities of internal/external, sincerity/irony, personal/public are concepts that inform my work.We constantly experience contrasting states of being and make decisions about how we present our identities through things like body language, facial expressions, dress, and mannerisms, and I play with these concepts when creating my figurative paintings.” – Jai

Artworks by Jai Tanninen @jaitanninen

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