Pride is timeless and always worth talking about. So does Martin Volle, who uses his photos to portray different characters in his own way.
“This project is called PROUD. Because I am proud of these men.
Without them, this project could not have taken place. Thank you for their courage, vulnerability, trust and beauty.
This project shakes up societal standards, which shape our vision of what can be accepted or not, what is pretty or what is not… and, from experience, it can be very difficult to get out of it.
With tenderness, respect and benevolence, I want to highlight the fact that universal beauty does not exist: each body is sublime by its singularity and experience. A mole, a wrinkle, hair, a bead, a birthmark or a scar, all these details determine us and make us special beings.
It is important to welcome and love yourself, humbly and entirely. “To be oneself for oneself”, in a world that never ceases to want to change us, it is, for me, a real achievement.
I’m so proud to have helped them to be proud.” – Martin Volle

Photographs by Martin Volle @martinv0lle
Models: @johnleypeter / Stéphane / @dmoisesmontoya @mxb_dxm / @danysnotmyrealname / @teva_vsn @maximeberthold / @kimieuxquemoi

All of Pineapple’s profits for the month of March will go to help those in need in Ukraine. >> Fundraising Account for Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainians Affected by Russia’s Aggression / LINK

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