Pineapple often succeed in attracting talented people to show their talent here. Sometimes I manage to make a feature to happen with someone which is “known in this scene”. If I asked you to name a website/magazine full of young beautiful boys, I’m sure you’d quickly think of Coitus magazine. I have the pleasure to publish an interview with the creator of Coitus/photographer Pantelis. Dear reader, you have nothing to do but wipe your drool as you slowly make your way down this feature.

Could we start with some background information about you? Where you grow up, where you based, how did you get interested in photography?
I grew up in Cyprus and at the age of 21 I moved to London to study graphic design. The course offered a photography lesson once a week and that’s when I discovered my love for photography. I never left London after I finished university and I have lived here for the last 19 years.

What was the purpose of the website/magazine and when did you start?
The idea for the magazine was born in 2009, at a time when I left a job I had and was unemployed at the time. Having a lot of time being home alone in my thoughts, I struggled with depression and I felt I needed a purpose. So I decided to work on launching my own limited edition magazine.

I created a hobby to fill my free time doing something I love and whilst it has become a lot of work, it was the best decision I have ever made.

You could say that Coitus magazine has become a brand name. If you had to describe it in a few words, which words would you use?
Over the years we have amassed a lot of fans who love the Coitus brand. In a few words I would describe it as sexy, colorful and the fun careless spirit of youth.

Now that it’s easy for everyone to build an audience, why is it important for photographers to appear on websites/in magazines?
The internet and social media are a great way for talent that would previously stay hidden, to be found. Anyone from any corner of the world and any walks of life can now post their work on the internet and be discovered with many potential possibilities and opportunities. Art needs an audience so building a following can be great for your work to be seen and appearing on websites and magazines is great way to build an audience. Having said that, followers doesn’t always mean success, and some of the most financially successful photographers don’t have social media or some might have a small following.

How much time/energy does it take to maintain such a popular Instagram/website?
Running the social media and website doesn’t take too much time. I used to post back when Instagram algorithms meant we were seen by a lot of people and building an audience. It was exciting and addictive to always want more. But the last few years I don’t post as often as you need to capture your audience with quality than quantity. What takes most of my time isn’t being the editor of the magazine, but I am the photographer that contributes the most, so to photograph and prepare the photos for the website is what takes most of my time.

You shoot the same guys from time to time. What makes a guy a good model?
The secret to a great model is personality. Yes of course looks are great and its what makes you want to photograph a model in the first place but great personality is what makes you want to photograph them again. I’ve built some great friendships with some models and its always great to have them back.

Your pictures are extremely intimate. How do you help models open up to you front of your camera?
Following from the previous question I think the photographer’s personality is also very important. Especially when you get a model to be photographed intimately. Making them feel comfortable in your presence and leaving the shoot feeling that they had a great time creating with you.

You archive bad boys and pretty angel faced persons too, which one are you more familiar with?
I never thought of it before but everyone I photograph is someone I like the look of. I admit that my work is shallow but I would hope that me as a person isn’t. My work is a fantasy and escapism from the reality of the real world.

Even the bad guys on the site are usually guys who look like they just stepped out of a fairy tale. Which fairy tale used to be your favorite and why?
I would have to say Beauty and the Beast. Even though my work doesn’t really show this, I do believe that true beauty comes from within.

How does a typical day in ‘Pantelis world’ go? Out of Coitus/photography what else you like to do?
I think many people believe that my life is basically photographing beautiful models and running a magazine. But that’s just my hobby I do in my free time. In the day time I work as a retoucher for companies which takes the biggest part of my day. I also spend a lot of time with my cats and I love watching football.

What are your plans for 2022?
I think the last 2 years with covid showed us that we cant really plan a lot. But I am hoping we are near the end of the pandemic and we can start looking forward. I do have some projects in the works that I hope to come out, but my biggest resolution would be to do more of the things I love in 2022.

Please finish the sentences:
Dream vacation is… Los Angeles
I collect… Magazines and photography books
If I were twenty years old… I would appreciate those years more, because they never come back

Thank you for the interview Pantelis!

Photographs by Pantelis @pantelisworld / @pantelisjournal / /

Coitus magazine: / @coitusmagazine /

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