A little Kickstarter project, because there are never enough new photography magazines. introducing a French project, Gusmas.

The GUSMAS project started from a conversation one evening, between two friends who had not seen each other for a long time. The discussion follows a slow, dreamy and melancholic tone. As the hours go by, the conversation drags on and freesthoughts that have remained silent. This one will take a certain turn and ask a question: how do we feel as queer people in the current world, depending on where we are and where we come from. What questions are we facing indivually according to our upbringing ? The will of this project is to show through images, texts and videos, the appropriation of our thoughts . Feeding on our loved ones through discussions on their being to expand the purpose to others, so GUSMAS is carrying several voices. GUSMAS magazine addresses various aspects of these life paths, without making a documentary portrait of them but by dreaming a reality that celebrates us.
The final result of this project is a photographic magazine, declined in 7 series of photos, from 4 to 10 photos per series, interspersed with texts. A short film entitled «Constant adaptation» accompanies it. A website taking these elements is online on to increase its visibility, collect funds to make physical copies, be able to finance the development of the photos for possibles exhibitions.

GUSMAS on Kickstarter / / @lucasxpages / @oxybabe

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