“Nate’s buzz cut” – hair cut and Polaroid photographs by New York based photographer, Clifton Mooney.

“Ran into Nate in a bodega near both of our apartments in Brooklyn very late one night.  We started talking, he was also newer to the city and was an artist.  We walked back to our respective apartments.  I found him later on Instagram and were making small chat and he mentioned he was going to buzz his head.  I asked if I could do it for him and take photos of the process. He said yes.  

I went over his house and captured different levels in the cutting process.  It was very chill and very intimate.No – we didn’t fuck.  Buzzing someone’s hair that I barely knew was fun and sexy without anything sexual going on.  Anyway, that’s the story – these are the pictures.” – Clifton

Photographs by Clifton Mooney @gauchecowboy /

Model: Nate Francis @natefrancis_

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