Exploring light and texture with large brushstrokes – artist feature from Netherlands, Dick van Dijk. Cover picture: Will you still.

“The central theme in my oil paintings is the male figure. As a reason or motif I find my images in photography and the media. Through painterly discoveries during the working process a more layered reality is created.
Although a specific photo is the starting point, in the process I often opt for a combination with elements from other photos. I cut and paste the image in my head and directly on the canvas, I do not sketch first. I want to explore light, surface and texture through experiments. And, through playing with color, bring new variables into the image. I care less about the concept of space, my choices are about longing, intimacy and freedom. I need to fall in love with the image myself, but also obstruct the view somehow.” – Dick

The Jasmine’s in bloom
The distance between me and you
If I could be for an hour
The chromosomes match
All we ever look for
Lightbeam (we’re on a)
Chicos de Paris
In it not of it

Artworks by Dick van Dijk @vandijkdick / dick-vandijk.nl

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