Exhibition, photo collection, social activity… it’s really hard to summarize what the next project is about, but after this short introduction you will get the picture. I won’t spoil the joke, but if you live in Berlin and are interested in this topic, you should scroll down, because the next stop of the ‘Gender project’ will be Berlin. Read the whole story below. Developed by Veronique Charlotte, photographer and social activist based in London. 

about Gender Project

The project starts from the etymology of the word Gender, which is only vaguely associated with sex and more widely associated from Latin to the word “KINDNESS“. Gender aims to tell 1000 stories through 0100 portraits that narrate the social cross-section of 0010 world capitals, with 0001 only goal: to break down walls and difficulties that prevent us from accepting the differences that make us unique.In each city Veronique has the goal of immortalizing 100 candid semi-nude portraits, linked to 100 stories, 100 emotions, 100 different lives. The photographs are taken during an intimate one-hour energy exchange, in which the subject and the photographer voluntarily assume an open and vulnerable position facing each other to discuss their understanding of fluidity and identity.

Gender is a space open to all those who are happy to be part of this journey and to all those who want to share emotions, be open to discussions and establish connections.
As an artist I am happy to share and talk about modern social problems. With the arrival of new technologies, we risk losing face-to-face communication. The world of emotions, feelings and words is a world that doesn’t need screens. The project is a “mark-making” exercise that also explores our collective consciousness of what we are, can do and feel.
“Reconsider the idea of ​​equality based on emotions.”
This collection showcases collective memory as an object in flux, which depends on our intervention. The portraits commemorate a multicultural and diverse community that exists at this time, but they also highlight the interdependence of each character in order to create a safe space for this liminality, also underlining the need to continually revisit and observe the demand for identity and representation.

GENDER is an exploration of the practice of the therapeutic arts in which photography is a tool that allows the catharsis of the subject and the photographer. In general, the project openly engages with the LGBTQI + community, but has also included the hetero normative community since its foundation.
After the success of the first two editions of Gender Project, London 2019 and Milan 2020 is now time for us to head to Berlin for the 3rd instalment of Gender Project Starting this July 2021.

We are now looking for the new 100 new faces that will represent the city of Berlin, our open call still on and everyone is free to apply by email : or visit our web site / Thank you for being naked.

faces of LONDON

faces of MILAN

Gender project: / @gender_project

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