The favorite artworks selection of the previous years has just been released last week (here), but the next one will surely include some of Ash Allen’s work. It’s been a long time since an artist has been interviewed on Pineapple, but finally there is one again and more to come!

Ash Allen

Could we start with some background information about you? Where you grow up, where you based, how did you get interested in arts?

I’m from the Tampa bay area originally, and currently I’m based in the SF bay area in Oakland. I’ve always been into creating in some capacity since I was a child. I’ve played with a lot of different mediums but printmaking is what I love to do.

Cyanotype print what you do, but not everyone knows what it is. Can you explain what it is and the process of making it?

Cyanotype is a printmaking method that’s been used since the 1800s. It’s created with a solution of 2 chemicals mixed in equal parts that produces a Prussian Blue image when exposed under UV light. It’s the same process used to make the classic architectural “blueprints”.

Is there any message what you hope archiving through your images?

I think my work is less about communicating a message and more like screenshots of states of mind I find myself in. Aspects of emotions, anxieties or identity that are easier communicated through images than words. I need to be relaxed and focused – I usually prefer to work on the digital aspect of things at night- because it’s more imaginative and I feel calm when It’s quieter outside. So usually I design at night; then do the more technical work like print my transparencies and do my exposures the following day. The process is pretty ongoing though – I’m kind of perpetually brainstorming. 

Your pictures are definitely erotic, often presenting fetish. How do you define yourself? Good boy or bad boy?

It would be impossible for me to pick one – but I can say I’ve spent a lot of time being both.

You also make wearable clothes from your artwork. What are the difficulties of this process and how did you get the ide to make clothes from your works?

It’s definitely been a trial and error process- I’m self taught in the work I do so there’s been a big learning curve.

Improvising from home during quarantine when the studio space I worked at closed was the biggest challenge for me. Clothing was actually what I was interested in first – before I started focusing more on prints. I started with silk screening in the beginning and I think the first thing I screen printed was on a pair of Everlast shorts. Recently I’ve been more focused on working with canvas and have been steering away from wearables a little bit, but I do have some new things coming out soon.

What inspires you?

Pain and Pleasure, duality, water, eroticism in advertising, trance classics and ambient music, Aphex twin.

In art/photography, what do you think it takes to succeed recently?

It’s hard to say – working as an artist can be so dependent on social media now unfortunately – I try to remember to make things that I like- not things that I think others will like.

How Covid-19 effected your plans for this year? Do you have a wish that would come true for the rest of the year?

One of my big wishes for the year came true already – but I would love to continue meeting and collaborating with other artists this year. I’m not allowed to share yet unfortunately – but I wish I could! 

9 Objects

What do you do when you got time for yourself?

I love hiking and going to the beach- love spending time finding new music- the monthly United in Flames show on NTS has been a favorite recently.

My fetish is… predictable, but I love feet
My morning routine is… breakfast, coffee, gym
The best to do tomorrow is… ???


Artworks by: Ash Allen @soft_shvde /

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