The three basic colors, blue, yellow, red. the variations are endless, but in this publication you will have to settle for these three. Introduce Spanish illustrator, graphic artist, Carlos Hache.

“The human body occupies most of my work, when I start to sketch the first thing that comes out is human figures. I’m very inspired and intrigued by human behavior, how we age, how we interact and the approach of the different sexes.I am amazed at the beauty and perfection of which we are made as well as the mental and physical duality that accompanies us.The use of primary colors is the most important part of my work, since with them, I express the message I want to convey. I believe that human beings only need nature to live, everything else is superfluous. Through them, I propose the idea of origin as an idea of purity and beauty, since the other colors emerge from them.” – Carlos


Artworks by Carlos Hache @carlos.hache

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