The background work of the recent period is starting to take hold, and the interviews will increase a bit again in the coming weeks here on Pineapple. First of all, welcome Luis SH from the Canary Islands (S).I am pleased to announce that you will be able to read the interview in two languages, Spanish and English.

Could we start with some background information about you? Where you grow up, where you based, how did you get interested in photography?

I’m born and raised in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain. My interest in photography came most probably from my passion for the art of image since very early in my childhood.

Nacido y criado en Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias), España. El interés por la fotografía nace muy probablemente por mi pasión por las imágenes desde muy temprana edad.

Did you always know photography was your ultimate go-to outlet of expression?

Not at all, it came to me spontaneously already as an adult.

En absoluto, surgió de manera espontánea siendo adulto.

There is always time and learning for someone to find their own style. That you remember back, was something of a turning point from your photos are started to be “Luis SH photography”?

Undoubtedly learning is a never-ending constant, I believe I still have a lot to learn. I don’t remember a turning point that was decisive for my style, I see it as an evolution according to peculiar tastes, affinities, and thanks to a welcoming response on social media.

Por supuesto el aprendizaje es algo constante y nunca acaba, de hecho considero, que me queda mucho por aprender. No recuerdo un punto de inflexión que determine mi “estilo”, lo veo como una evolución en función de gustos particulares, afinidades y aceptación en algunas redes sociales.

What is the best thing to being a photographer?

That is a tough question, I don’t really have an answer. I would say that in order to be able to go through with any job the best way is to be honest and humble and do it with respect and passion. I believe that, in the case of photography, it is crucial to be a good observer, so that you will then be able to transmit what you intend.

Es una pregunta complicada y no tengo respuesta para ella, diría que para realizar cualquier trabajo lo mejor es ser honesto y humilde con lo que hagas y partir siempre desde el respeto y la pasión. Creo que en el caso de la fotografía resulta determinante saber mirar/observar para que con el tiempo consigas transmitir.

You live in a Gran Canaria. are there any difficulties in finding a model in a tiny place?

Very much so, but nowadays social media facilitates this task.

Bastantes dificultades, pero hoy en día las redes sociales facilitan esa tarea.

How important is social media to you and your career?

Nowadays, social media is everything. The vehicle of exposure, so that you can be seen, as well as show yourself. I have been on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr… for a long time and it has been thanks to these media that my pictures have reached a lot of people.

Pues hoy en día lo es todo, es el vehículo a través del cuál te pueden ver y tú te puedes mostrar. Llevo en Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc mucho tiempo y ha sido gracias a ellas que mis fotos han sido vistas por muchísima gente.

What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself as an artist since you started?

I have learned to value myself and to believe that I am able to do things I didn’t know I was able to. I have learned to face situations with very limited means and attain a very surprising result.

A valorarme, a creer que soy capaz de hacer cosas que no sabía que podía. Afrontar situaciones que con pocos medios y llegar a sorprenderme con el resultado.

If you could tell your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?

Study and learn more. Start young.

Estudia y aprende más, empieza desde muy joven.

What do you do when you got time for yourself?

Cinema and music, the passions I devote an important part of my time. Oh! And sleeping, I love to sleep.

El cine y la música, esas son mis pasiones y a las que dedico gran parte de mi tiempo; ahh y a dormir, me encanta dormir.

Do you consider yourself more naughty or nice?

Nice, always nice.

Agradable, siempre agradable.

Deeply in love with … the light … de la luz.

Photographs by: Luis SH @luissh @newluissh /

Models: @juanpanda_ @lord_raffaello @addutamas @pablovlogs @frpozo @accolti1 @brunomiranda20 @saulosarmiento @jaimeponiente_ @alvarocket_yoga @riccardorubio @ivanmontis @ladriade @aday.velasco

Thanks to the translator, Pedro Andueza González.

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