‘An afternoon with Renzo’ – captued by J. Davies. Notice PNPPL zine 05 on the pictures. 🙂 You can find more series by J. if you click here.
“Renzo is a very good friend of mine. On our very first date, after talking on Tinder, he arrived fashionably late with some handpicked, purple flowers. We drank beer, lots of beer, then parted ways as he had other plans. Later that evening we met up at a local gay bar and danced until we couldn’t dance anymore. In the morning I took a photo of Renzo in the morning light that was filtering through his window. I hoped that one day I’d photograph him properly, and now I have. ” – J.

Photographs by J. Davies www.jay-davies.com @jdavies.studio / twitter.com/j_aydavies
Model: Renzo @renznco

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