Always happy to make a feature with Noel Alejandro, this time he brings ‘After Cherries’ as a part of his erotic movie series ‘Bedtime Stories’. You can find all of Noel’s feature on Pineapple by cliking here.

Short story

Daniel wants people to wake up. Clement wants to sleep alone under the stars. The world is a battlefield where logic and fear fight viciously for control. Weary of it, two men build their own hallucinogenic cosmos where they can play and exist – where only their bodies make the rules, and the mind is set free by pleasure.

Read more about it here on Noel’s website.

Bedtime Stories – The Series

Brainchild of the Noel Alejandro project, Bedtime Stories is an ongoing series focused on the beauty of intimacy. Each new film combines one thought-provoking opening and the usual sophisticated filmography to create stories that are new, intimately inspiring, and visually appealing.

Read more about Bedtime Stories on Noel’s website here.

After Cherries was filmed and edited in Berlin. Directed by Noel Alejandro.

Director: Noel Alejandro / @noelalejandrox

Cast: Shay Noir @noir_soSultan of Filth @robtalin

Year: 2020 / Length: 14 minutes / Language: English with subtitles in SP, DE, FR, PT and EN

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