Introduce London based artist, Sebastian Jordahn.

“I work with collage as I like the process of assembly. The finished piece is normally a scan of the collage, which highlights where the material overlays, which gives it a nice 3D-in-2D effect.” -Sebastian

Legs up

“I’m interested in objects of desire as the subject of an image itself, either combined or removed from the body. For example my series ‘tighty whitie’ is a series of paper collages about the eroticism attached to white underwear. I am also working on a series of collages made from glossy vinyl called ‘butt stuff’ which explores sex toys like butt plugs and dildos as sculptural objects in themselves and tries to demystify some of the stigma around anal sex and the ass. They’re made from an adhesive, glossy vinyl which gives it a really shiny and kind of tacky quality which I think butt toys sometimes has too.” – Sebastian

Tighty whitie no 3
Tighty whitie no 4
Tighty whitie no 5
Blue butt stuff
Blue orange butt stuff
Blue red butt stuff
Pink green butt stuff
Pink blue butt stuff

Find more: @sebastianjordahn /