Let’s pine over Pineapple’s second extra surprise from PNPPL zine 05. (Check out the first one here) Outtakes, extra pictures and interview with two amazing guys, Alex Avgud photographer and with his model, Tjerre. We talk about they exclusive story for the magazine ‘Two Tjerres’. You can buy your copy of Pineapple’s recent print issue here:
pnpplzine.bigcartel.com – Preview here.

with ALEX AVGUD @avgud
Where are you from?
I was born in Moscow (Russia) where I lived until 5 years ago. I now live in The Hague in The Netherlands.
How old are you?
How did you meet? – How happened the organization for Pineapple shooting? – Was there any preparation before shooting?
I saw Tjerre’s Instagram some time ago, and the idea to collaborate was brewing in my head for a while. I was waiting for an opportunity to involve Tjerre’s creative vision, and not just use him as a model, so the shoot for Pineapple was a great chance to do so. There wasn’t much preparation, we just chatted to outline the concept, which originally sounded along the lines of ‘Two Tjerres’ seducing each other by morphing into each other’.
What was the first impression of each other?
It was immediately obvious Tjerre is a sweet and kind person. I didn’t feel like I met a complete stranger, but rather someone I know at least a little bit, because Tjerre’s online persona is authentic and true to who he is offline.

If there was – what was the most difficult thing during the shooting?
I guess it was keeping a balance between a statement on gender politics and keeping things sensual. Slight push to one side – and the concept started dimming, slight nod to the other – and the emotion was drying out. But I hope we succeeded in ‘sitting on both chairs’.
If there was – what was the most funny thing during the shooting?
It put a smile on my face how we were bits by bits adjusting the room, so by the end of the shoot the space was completely transformed, with huge barricades of pillows, book shelves and objects all piled by the door.

Your favorite picture of the series is … and why?
It might not be the strongest, but the one where Tjerre leans on a windowsill, his eyes are projecting a vibe that is different from the rest… it captures something deep that has less to do with looks, but connects more to the soul.
The story is in black and white, but if you need to pick a color what describes your thoughts about the series it will be and why?
Caramel colour. I think we made something quite sweet, which is basically an experiment for me.
What turns you on?
What makes you happy?
Spending time with my husband, when my ideas materialize the way I envision them, travelling, and when the world becomes a better and more equal, inclusive place.

with TJERRE @tjerrelucasbijker
Where are you from?
I grew up in a small town in the south of The Netherlands, but I’m currently
living and studying in Utrecht (the Netherlands).
How old are you?
How did you met? – How happened the organization for Pineapple shooting? – Was there any preparation before shooting?
We actually met via Instagram. Alex reached out to me to participate in this Project as a model but also as a creative contributor. I’m currently studying Fashion Design and was happy and thankful for the opportunity. We ended up using the garments that served as collage studies for my latest project. I’m always interested in gender roles and the binary aspects of clothing, thus these pieces were collages of garments that have a strong binary code. We decided to go with a storyline that envolved around the embodiment of one’s feminine and masculine side by morphing into each other.
What was the first imression of each others?
I guess the first impression that we had of each other was quite awkward, as we had never met in person before. But I immediately saw how kind and calm Alex was going into the shoot.

If there was – what was the most difficoult thing during the shooting?
The most difficult thing was probably getting our thoughts and our creative visions straight. We had vaguely discussed what we would do before hand, but also not really. Thus the shoot was quite spontaneous and we were just going with it. Which was, looking back, also the most inspiring, natural and fun thing to do.
If there was – what was the most funny thing during the shooting?
I don’t really recall anything extraordinary funny happening.
Your favorite picture of the series is … and why?
My favorite picture is probably the one in the satin dress, arms crossed & legs opened. It tells a story within itself. It’s conceptual; It’s sexual; the dress; the light; the hands; the pose; the sleeves. I don’t know why, it just does something.

The story is in black and white, but if you need to pick a color what describes your thoughts about the series it will be and why?
It would probably be a soft and a shy color, like red. As I feel like the series puts me in vulnerable light but at the same time encourages me to open myself up as a confident and sexually comfortable human being.
What turnes you on?
Confidence is definitely a turn on. It’s all about the look in his eyes that should make me feel something.
What makes you happy?
First and foremost, friends make me happy. But also, I love my studies. Being surrounded by fashion, like minded people and a creative surrounding really makes me quite happy. And of course, men.

Get your copy of PNPPL zine 5 here: pnpplzine.bigcartel.com
Photographer: Alex Avgud @avgud / alex-avgud.com
Model: Tjerre @tjerrelucasbijker / more Tjerre: chetjulius.com/Featured-Tjerre