TEL-AVIVIS is a series of analogue portraits of young Israelis posing on the beach in Tel Aviv, captured by Pascal Haas. The project captures the urban culture of these Jewish and Arab men and their legendary passion for body workout in their quest for normalcy in a complex region. They proudly celebrate the ethnic and cultural mix of Jews from Eastern Europe, Iraq or Yemen, of Muslim and Christian Arabs. The beach is the ultimate melting pot where people from all backgrounds meet and mingle, a place that lets everyone be who they want to be.
»Tel—Avivis« the book, documenting the urban hedonism of young Israelis. The series has been published as a photobook.(100 pages, 38 color photographs, thread stitch binding). The »behind the scenes« photos provide a peek into the making of the series.

The photographs were taken between 2016 and 2018, a period marked by a number of terrorist attacks. The project seeks to show the urban reality of Tel Avivis who stubbornly refuse, even or especially during difficult times, to let anything, or anyone, spoil their daily routines in the gyms, the cafés and on the beach.
Order »Tel—Avivis« here.

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