A few weeks ago we convinced the amazing hand collage maker TheSkinnyType to work with PNPPL zine 04 and give an interview for us. Below here you can enjoy the result of our collaboration.

Who is TheSkinnyType?

I am a collage artist that lives and works in London. In my spare I also work with architecture designing structures for amazing bulidings.

How and when was the passion for collages/art born?

Art has always been there, the collage however came out of the blue. I’ve always love art, but had never been a good drawer or painter, so always felt a bit frustrated with the struggle of creating pieces I feel good about. It started with a pair of underwear I bought, my bf was away so I was kind of bored at home and just started cutting the torso from the underwear packaging. I got exited with the process and cut some more figures from a magazine and created my first collage. My bf loved it and bought me a kit of cutters and a cutting pad…. the rest is history.

How do you dealing with instagram censorship? 

It’s just ridiculous and frustrating and seems particularly bias towards homoerotic artistic art. You can post a hiper realistic drawing of a explicit sexual act but you cannot post an erotic nude? It just doesn’t make sense to me. I however reluctantly censor my work in order to post it as instagram as it is my only channel of dissemination. Other than my @theskinnytype instagram account i’m not in social media at all… no facebook, no personal instagram.. so let’s say it has allow me to show my work and to connect with some interesting creators and that side I like.

What is the definition of male beauty for you?

Male beauty, and actually beauty in general, is a feeling and as a feeling is hard to describe. Beauty move us because it make us feel something.

Can you describe PNPPL zine 04 in three words?

Erotic, different and beautiful. 

How did you picked the pictures to work with?

It’s a combination of liking the image, the model and getting an idea and a desire of mixing it with another one.  All three needs to happen together so there is a lot of trials and errors in the process..  I also like the superpositions quite a lot, as they just happen without any planning, it’s just something that is there by accident, but needs to be discovered… by me.

Original picture by Dmitry Komissarenko

Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?

Coco Capitan would be amazing… I’m constantly discovering photographers and people creating great works. I feel I could work with… @willyvanderperre and would also be cool @paulpeterlondon, Alexander Halefi, Alessio Boni…

If I could could look inside your computer, what would I see?

Thousands and thousands of photos.. not only boys..

What do you do in your spare time?

Mainly spend time with my partner.. going out, eating, traveling, drawing.. you name it 🙂

What are your future plans?

I have not been productive this year at all.. well at least in collage.. have been drawing a lot lately, but what i’d really like to do is to have an exhibition.. keep waiting for things to come together but probably should just make it happen!

Original picture by Dmytro Komissarenko
Original picture by Maximiliano Yoguel
Original picture by Maximiliano Yoguel
Original picture by Maximiliano Yoguel
Original picture by Maximiliano Yoguel
Original picture by Joel Alain Dervaux
Original picture by Yan Yufeng

Find more TheSkinnyType here: @theskinnytype

Order PNPPL zine 04 here.