Mantra – Cachorro Lozano‘s first song, will be available both in Cachorro’s Youtube VEVO channel CachorroVEVO and Spotify. It’s produced by LARVBA and the video is directed by the talented Alejandria Cinque. Three artists from three different contexts joining forces for a common project.

Mantra is the materialization of a project that has been building for a long time. Its three artists getting together with a single purpose. Mantra is a burning flame. A song that talks about desire, intimacy, illusion, from a queer and alternative perspective . A small bubble of affection and seduction inside the overwhelming chaos that rules the world. Mantra is an electronic balad with hip hop style.

Sweet talk with Cachorro Lozano

Colour of your eye:  Darkest brown

Taste of your kiss: Flesh

The best singer is: Bjork

Dream collaborator: Bjork, Daddy Yankee

Can’t live without: White socks and a photo camera

You find beauty in: Absolutely everything

Your erotic zone: Ears

The bets way to turn you on: Spending a day in the beach

Your best feature: The ability to turn everything into a show.

What do you collect: Postcards, broken hearts, magnets, straight male tears, caps, stripper shoes

Your last nightmare is: A huge tsunami in the Basque coast

Lion or tiger: Lioness 


Candle light or disco light: Candle light

In 2019 you will: Release my music for the first time, publish a book, become an uncle

Find Cachorro: @cachorrolozano /

Photos and video directed by: Alejandria Cinque @alejandria.cinque /

Produced by: LARVBA @larvba