A boy duo, Los Picoletos archiving queer and punk culture of Buenos Aires with mixed media. Scroll down for a sneak preview from their works.
“We are @dantelitvak and @fabrotranchida and together we form the duo @lospicoletos. We are skaters and visual artists. Through photography and installations, we investigate the skater, queer and punk culture. We make portraits of queer boys and build art installations that emulate skate ramps. Commonly the guys that appear in our photos are our friends and colleagues in the skatepark. We register our personal world from a broad perspective.”

“Somos Dante y Fabro y formamos juntos el dúo “Los picoletos“. Somos skaters y artistas visuales. Através de la fotografía y las instalaciones, investigamos la cultura skater, queer y punk. Hacemos retratos de chicos queer y construimos instalaciones de arte que emulan rampas de patines. Comunmente los chicos que salen en nuestras fotos son nuestros amigos y colegas del skatepark. Registramos nuestro mundo personal desde una mirada amplia.”

Find more: @lospicoletos / cargocollective.com/lospicoletos
You can find Fabro’s artworks in our new printed magazine as well. Click here to check out the preview of the magazine!