Interview with the creator of, Little Voice.
Why and when have you decided to start Curatedbygirls?
It started out as a collaboration with my best friend Ophelie Rondeau, 1 year and a half ago. We wanted to create something together, focusing on other artists, as we are artists ourselves (im a musician and she’s a photographer). Ophelie unfortunately had to quit the project at early stage.
Do you doing on your own or with a team?
Im running the platform on my own. However i have a badass team helping me out during important events/exhibitions.
What is your ‘goal’ with the site?
My goal is to give a voice to any artist out there that has something to say, challenging standards in our society. The focus is indeed on diversity and femininity. I wanna expose the super powerful softness of the universe, which can be found in each of us, no matter our gender, ethnicity, or body type.
Share some moments/event what makes you proud about Curatedbygirls.
Im proud of the journey I’ve been on, so far. It’s only been 1 year and a half but i met so many incredible people, artists. The IRL shows i organised have received a huge support from local people, and from the press. I am still surprised of how successful my events are, cause honestly I had never put up any exhibition before. Its really encouraging. I am thrilled to be able to bring so many people together and give visibility to artists with such beautiful souls.
What is the plan for 2018?
Im bringing CBG overseas.
Find more: @curatedbygirls / / @itslittlevoice