Book preview and interview with Pascual Rodriguez, about his book, “Fag”.

How was your last year in your personal life and in your art life?
Well, it has been a quiet but very productive year. My personal life, in my view, is quite routine (sometiemes even boring xD) You know, walking the dog, playing videogames, doing my housework and of course, spending time working in my studio. However [even so] I ‘ve traveled more than usual. Places as Barcelona or Madrid have been in my agenda for bussiness and leisure [fun]. My artistic life has been very focused in producing [you know new stuff]. A lot of painting and a lot of drawing. I’ve done a little solo show too here in my village and of course, that project whitch makes me feel so accomplished [realized] in an artistic way “FAG”, my first illustrated book.

What moment was your highlights of this 1 year?
Without doubt the releasing of “FAG”. It made me so happy, I feel so glad for that. I remember when I began drawing beefcakes I used to imagine that one day my drawings could be in a magazine or something. It was exciting. I couldn’t even imagine that seven years later my first book would be real. Magic…

How come you named your first book FAG?
Hahah. Well, I’m not sure. “FAG”/”FAGGOT” means “marica”/”maricón” in spanish. People used to use that word in bad way, you know? Trying to hurt you. However, now I (and I think a lot of people too) like to wear it as a medal [badge] and I like it. Somehow that word becomes yours and it’s like you say ” Hi, I know I’m a fag and I’m able to say it to myself. I don’t need anyone say to me something I already know”. So I liked “FAG” because I dind’t want to use a “soft word” for my book. I din’t wanted it to sound like refined [genteel,delicated or politically correct].

In the beginning I was not thinking about making a book with 80 pages as “FAG”. I oftenly make these kind of drawings because I like it so I thought it could be a good idea to make a little “Fanzine”, a compilation of 20/25 drawings for selling. One day a good friend of mine told me about “Ediciones Hidroavión”. He said that they may like my drawings for an illustrated book and that it could work. Finally I sent them the project, they liked it and we began working together. I think my inspiration for “FAG” are 60’s Physique Pictorial magazines and of course Harry Bush. When I first saw Harry Bush’ work I knew I wanted to learn drawing that exquisite ( I’m not even close but I keep trying) Nowadays i still keep his work as my top referent in my mind.

Is there any self portrait in FAG?
Haha, yes there are. The one on the first page is official but there’s is another one “unofficial” at page 47 [aprox]. It wasn’t intencional , but people say that the boy seated on the sofa looks like me (his back, neck). I guess that unconsciously I wanted to be there.

Are you a FAG?
Absolutely. Sometimes I would like to be [experience, have a taste] inside the scenes I draw. Most of them have a teenager factor [feeling] that I like. I feel like my adolescence could have been more exciting and funny (sex, love, relationships) but you know, it was around 2005 and I was living in a little spanish village in Alicante. There was no place for that fantasies, all I could do was to dream [dreaming].

Why makes you to draw with pink color?
That is such a curious story. I thought I’ve seen a pink drawing from Harry Bush before and I said to myself “let’s try drawing in pink”. One day, when my book was almost finished I remember I took my copy of “Hard Boys” (Harry Bush) and I started to search that pink drawing. I didn’t find it. I guess I imagined it . Once again magic.

You add some text next to some of your drawings. Are those conversations of your life, or just made them up?
They usually are just sexual fantasies and stories I made up. Some of them are lyrics from Britney Spears , “The Knife” or “Daft Punk” songs. And finally a little percentage of them are from real life.

Is there any big upcoming project for the next year?
Yes, I hope so. Now I’ve finished “FAG” im working in a solo exhibition project that I would like to take place in Madrid. I’ve already sent the project. I’m wating for a confirmation and a date, soon I hope.
It’s about a painting series I’ve working on since 2016.

Find more: @paskrod /